
初入职场 2023-09-29 06:34:08   点击量 : 7343  

作者 : 职场小助手

1. Written Communication Skills


Effective verbal communication skills are practically a necessity with any type of job. You'll speak with customers, clients, coworkers, and your employer. The ability to express yourself in a clear, concise manner is key to getting your thoughts across and lessening the likelihood of miscommunication.


But you need more than verbal communication skills to get the job done. Some positions also require excellent writing skills for drafting emails, memos, and reports. You'll need strong written skills to get your points across on paper and communicate your message with clarity. In addition, technology plays a big role in business with many companies taking their brand online. If you can demonstrate good written skills and produce error-free copy, there could be opportunities to assist the marketing team with blog posting, article writing, and social media marketing.


2. Time-Management Skills


To make it in a fast-paced environment, you need superior time management skills, and depending on the nature of your job, you might constantly deal with a pile of work and tight deadlines. If you can't prioritize, you'll fall behind and slow down productivity for the entire office. Employers value someone who has the ability to multitask and work quickly, but efficiently. Your employer can't afford for you to spend too much time on a single task.


3. Tolerance for High Stress Situations


It doesn't matter where you work or what you do, just about every job has its stressful periods. When the going gets tough, the last thing employers need is someone who crumbles under pressure. Rather, they're looking for someone who can perform under harsh conditions without jeopardizing the quality of their work. This doesn't mean you should stick with a job that tests your patience or affects your health in a negative way — your job isn't supposed to drive you insane — but there's value in demonstrating mental strength to tackle and deal with occasional stressful elements of your job without missing a beat.


4. Creative Thinking



A company has to evolve from time to time to keep up with their competition and to give customers what they need and want. Company heads generally take the lead in generating new ideas, but they often welcome suggestions from their staff. If you're a creative thinker who isn't afraid to take the initiative and share your ideas and solutions, you'll become an integral part of the team and contribute to the company's growth. Some of your suggestions could be ideas your superiors never considered. A creative mind paves the way for a position with greater responsibility.




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